Clean Air Solutions Engineered for On-Demand Work Spaces
You already know there’s no such thing as simple one-piece flow when it comes to boat building and repair. Larger pieces must be built in place and smaller subsystems, pipelines, and foundations are usually brought to the site. For smaller crafts, hulls and decks must be moved between workstations, usually via overhead cranes.
Duroair’s market-leading, modular clean rooms are flexible, cost-effective additions to marinas, navy yards, and marine maintenance, assembly, and repair facilities that demand clean air solutions for processes such as applying marine boat paint and other marine coatings. In on-demand workplaces, this added flexibility helps guarantee worker safety and environmental compliance while reducing operating expenses and increasing productivity.
Use our customizable combination of industrial air filter systems and retractable enclosures to establish self-contained work environments for ships, assemblies, and parts that require painting, sanding, or added security — where and when you need them.
Modular Industrial Air Filter Systems for Marine Manufacturing
To protect against outdoor elements, finishing tasks are usually performed indoors, bringing both logistical and safety challenges due to VOCs, hexavalent chromium, and other fumes and fiberglass dust particles released during sanding, painting, and coating. But conventional exhaust units don’t sufficiently protect against these hazards and aren't conducive to cellular production.
Duroair modular industrial air filtration for marine manufacturing is portable enough to move exactly when and where workflows call for clean air protection. Each unique solution is engineered to minimize disruptions and prevent wasted man-hours moving large workpieces between painting and finishing processes.
Marine clean air solutions include:
- Self-contained work environments with DuroPure™ non-vented filtration, paired with retractable enclosures with swivel and lock casters for stop-and-start workflows
- Sub-assembly clean rooms with vented or non-vented filtration coupled with DuroRoom™ retractable enclosures scalable to the size of large workpieces, suitable for sanding, grinding, coating, and repairs
- On-demand coating or paint booths with our DuroCap™ patented two-stage, Taper Draft Airflow Technology to filter 99.4% of all airborne contaminants and speed dry times without heaters, blowers, or drying agents