Capturing Oil Mist to Improve Health, Safety, and Efficiency
Oil mist particles, bacteria, and spores generated by metal cutting, grinding, and welding can settle on every piece of equipment on the shop floor, endangering machinery and risking slips and falls. And, you don’t need OSHA to remind you of the potential skin irritations, respiratory dangers, and cancer risks associated with a toxic, oil mist cloud.
Contact UsModular Enclosure Systems For Oil Mist Collection
Duroair combines our DuroRoom™ and OMW oil mist collection technologies into one, end-to-end source capture and ambient system.
We can engineer our DuroRoom™ modular enclosure systems in your choice of size, shape, and dimensions to surround your robotics and CNC machinery with an oil mist collection system to cost-effectively isolate, capture, and contain tiny oil mist contaminants.
Duroair’s oil mist collection and clean air solutions provide:
- Increased productivity by preventing employee skin irritations, respiratory illnesses, and slip-and-fall accidents
- Enhanced protection for your existing HVAC systems to prevent them from choking on oil mist particles and creating a foul, hazardous environment
- Improved facility or plant image by eliminating the oil mist “haze” that can be unattractive to potential customers and visitors
- Reduced man-hours by freeing employees from cleaning the oil and other impurities from machines and other shop floor equipment
- Long-term ROI by extending the life of the electronics in your metalworking machines
Technical Specifications
- Available in four different sizes 800, 2000, 3000, and 6000 CFM
- Multi-stage wicking filters for trapping and recycling expensive fluids
- Standard with fluid pump and VFD
- Equipped to handle high-pressure fluid, as well as oil and mist
- Self-draining and self-cleaning with no ladders for maintenance
- Captures smallest particulate down to 0.30 microns
- Clean air discharged from the top of the collector into facility

Clean Air Code Compliance
Code Compliance | Code Description |
NIOSH | exposure limits of TWA 5 mg/m3 ST 10 mg/m3 |
OSHA PEL | OSHA permissible exposure limits (PEL) of 5 mg/m3 as an 8-hour TWA for mineral oil mists |
OSHA PEL | of 15 mg/m3 TWA for total particulate |
OSHA PEL | of 5 mg/m3 TWA for respirable fraction |
OSHA 29CFR - 1910.94 | ventilation |
OHSA O.Reg 851-63 | ignition or explosive |
OHSA O.Reg 851-65 | dust – ignition or explosive |
Electrical CSA | Certified |
NESHAP | National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants |
UL | U.S. and Canada |
ISO Cleanroom compliant | up to Class 1000/ISO6 (ISO class clean room typically measures micron sizes 5.0µ, 0.5µ and 0.3µ) |